DriveHQ Resell Platform: Up to 3 times faster than HTTP/FTP
Transfer large number of files with drag-and-drop ease
Whether you are transferring thousands of files or a single file larger than 1GB, FileManager transfers them with great ease and reliability. There is no limit on the number or size of files. Our advanced caching and compression technologies make transfer files lightning fast.

Optimized for transferring large media or software files
Resume broken transfers from the point of interruption, and never transfer the same file twice.
Group sharing and collaboration
You can share files and folders in one single click; files and folders shared to you are readily accessible in your own account. Different permissions can be set for group members.
Found an interesting published folder?
But tired of downloading files one by one? Drag-and-drop them in FileManager! Enter the folder path in the address bar, and the published files will show. Select the ones you like, and drag-and-drop to download all at once.
Post files to blogs or auction sites
Published images or files can be accessed through static URLs.